Friday, August 19, 2022

16th Tues

 The weather has been hot, hot, hot but now it is cooler and might even rain! There is no water in the butt and I don't approach the well when I'm here alone so I brought some water in a gallon container - not full, but as heavy as I can manage. Added to the compost bin, tidied around, squished the beetles and grubs on the asparagus ferns, picked up the apples. Globe artichokes coming on. Picked the rest of the blackcurrants (well, those I could reach and those that didn't drop as they were so ripe!) and some plums, after discarding the manky ones (technical term...) The upright tree growing through the prone apple tree (eater) is definitely a gage, so shook it and picked some. As usual, fruit is mostly too high for me to collect! 

Sat under the old apple tree (cooker, possibly Bramley)  for coffee and saw - something. Thought it might be a frog hopper, but not sure. Luckily I had the camera (usually at least 3 goes to get one in focus....)


Well, I did say.....

Then, after I'd finished my drink, there was further movement in the grass towards the trunk of the apple. After a gentle prod with a stick, I found a sleepy, black hairy caterpillar with a red line down its back. 

Identified as the caterpillar of the White Ermine Moth. Amongst other food, it likes dock which is plentiful on the plot. Note - don't touch hairy ones as they can cause irritation, a bit like a nettle.
I also disturbed several mint moths (tiny, but very pretty). 
A good day and it didn't rain until after I'd got home!

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